Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Called According To His Purpose

Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

The picture above was taken at our commissioning service for family members in Richmond, Virginia in April of 2008. Literally, it seems as though it was yesterday. We were so excited that day and thrilled our family and friends had come from Kansas and Texas to celebrate with us and to have one more chance to say goodbye. Our dear friends left that afternoon, but our children stayed and spent a few days in Richmond
with us seeing the sights of the city, since we had a few days until our flight for Romania.

It has been an incredible journey since Randy and I were called according to His purpose to Romania. When you begin a journey it always turns into an adventure because as a child of God, you are not in control. We had plans, ideas, materials we brought along we thought we would use; but you see we were called according to His purpose....not ours. I would have to say personally for myself, I feel like I have been privately tutored by Jesus Christ all along the way. Never did I have a clue this body of clay needed such molding from the Master's hand. His hands were gentle, but firm at the same time as He iluminated the path and guided me in the direction I should go. I am so thankful I can say Aba Father, to be able to have that personal of a relationship with my Lord and Savior is the most important thing in life to me. No, I am not the same person who arrived in Romania April 7th, 2008. During those months of change in my life, God blessed me in so many ways. I have been touched by many Romanian young ladies and a few young men whom God allowed me to lead in Bible studies. I would prepare weekly for the lessons, during our time together for discussion those young men and young ladies would bless me and thrill my soul. I also worked with the women of the church we attended and it was the same way, I received such a blessing from being with those ladies and just loving on them and receiving their love back.

We've lived in Bucuresti the last 7 months and it has been a joy and pleasure working with the other missionaries here. Randy and I have formed a deep friendship with each unit and enjoy the sweet fellowship we all share. In just these short 7 months we have grown close to several of the Romanians who live here in the city.
Our term would have ended in February of 2011 but due to a severe problem with my left shoulder, I must return to the United States for surgery. The need to return to the United Sates for surgery requires us by the mission board to end our term at this time. We are very saddened by this, but realize that for the best medical care I had no other option. Through every glorious high, and there have been many, through every painful, dark valley, and there have been many....God has been right there beside us. His word promises us He would never forsake us or leave us! We are living proof, He walked with us through the fire, He walked with us on the mountain tops, He walked with us when things were just o.k., He was always there. He was there when we got the word our term would end prematurely. Randy and I have been called according to His purpose, God knows what that purpose is, we will continue to love him, serve and live for him.

It's been an incredible adventure. I'm thankful for the experience and how God worked in and through me. We will miss Romania and all our National friends. We will miss our dear Missionary friends we will be leaving behind, they are family, we have grown to love them.

Please pray for us as we start a new adventure with God on a new mission field in Kansas City, Missouri.

1 comment:

Lanny said...

How wonderful it has been geting to know both of you. I have many fond memories of ya'll while we have been in Galati for short term mission trips in '08 and '09. I was hoping to be with you this summer across the pond, but I guess I'll see you here later on this spring.

Keep throwing the seeds!