Monday, October 29, 2007

It Is In The Mail

“It Is In The Mail”

That is the statement I made in an e-mail to Angela at the IMB yesterday.
Tuesday of this past week the Staff Committee for the International Service Crops/Masters Personnel met to consider Teresa and me for service in Romania. We received the packet, (postmarked Tuesday 10-23-2007), on Saturday 10-27-2007 which read: “It is an occasion of real joy….to inform you that you have been recommended for an assignment.” There is no way to express all the feelings we have experienced this week waiting to read those words. And now that I have it, the thought that comes to my mind is “Who am I to suppose that I can go on mission with God?” I know that in Living Word Baptist Church there hundreds of people who each have many more talents, and skills, that make them better candidates for service with God than me. Yet my name is on the letter. When I look at my life and all the time and money I have wasted over the years I think why have you chosen me Lord Jesus? All I have is the gift of grace that you gave me. I have no education that equips me for this job. All I did was when the call went out, “who will go” I said “I want to.” And at that point I looked around to see who He was really talking to.

I know me, I knew I was at the end of the line when gifts were given out. I also know that I don’t have any great story to tell about my life changing experience, while others have great stories. I know that others can learn Romanian faster and better, as I have trouble speaking English. Still my name is on the letter. This letter to me, is really a wake up call to anyone that knows me, GOD CAN USE YOU!!!!

"Why are we sitting here waiting to die?” 2 Kings 7:3

If God finds a place of service in His plan for a two bit, knot head like me, just think how he would use someone like you! Do not take this the wrong way, I am greatly pleased that God is allowing me to share in the blessings of His work, but I look around at the people I know and think “why me?” The only logical answer is no one else wants these blessings. No one else will use the gifts God has given them for Him. I will say that again, You will not use the gifts God has given you for His work!

Jesus said: “Then you will be my witnesses to testify about me in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8

Pick your destination and ask for God’s approval then Go, maybe next door, maybe to Harviell, maybe Mexico, maybe for an hour a day, maybe for a day a week, maybe for a life time, but just do what Jesus said Go!! I understand there are people who can not go where we are going, but I know there are far more that will not go, because they hold the world and this life (the here and now) higher than they hold God, the Kingdom of God, and Eternity.

Don't be jealous or proud, but be humble and consider others more important than yourselves. Phi 2:3
Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1

Listen, you have one life, and then what? At that time I want to hear my Father say “Well done, you finished strong.”