Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Yes, We Do Serve An Amazing God

Paula,Robert,Gabriellia, and Bogdon

This afternoon as Teresa was praying after reading Troy's email to the church I got a new realization of how amazing a God we serve. As most of you know Teresa and I are going to Texas this week to meet with a group interested in helping the people of Romania. We also will get to spend time with our children, Peggy and Kelly, as well as our newly retired pastor and wife. Brother Dave has already had contact with members of the same church looking at other mission opportunities. The Sunday after Thanksgiving, after leaving Kansas City visiting the other kids Jennifer, Jason and Ryan, we went by Cameron First Baptist where we had a wonderful time of prayer, worship, and fellowship with people who not only love God but also love the people of Romania. Then we get back to Romania, via the internet,where we were praying for Bogdon and Paula and you see how all this stuff fits together just perfectly all at just the right time.

Think what if any of these pieces of this life puzzle were removed. I would have no reason to be writing this now. Brother Troy would have no reason to be asking for prayer. The mission training center would soon be an old empty building and countless lives that will soon be lives full of hope would never hear about God's Grace, The gift of His Son Jesus.

God has called us to be in His service. His schedule is not our schedule, but if we just obey Him things will come together in a miraculous way. We went to Cameron to thank and encourage them, God turned that around. We planned on retiring in just over 5 years, God's plan is not retirement at all. Bogdon's plan was to destroy himself, God's plan is for him to fight against evil not be evil. If we just do our job's and let God lead He will charge lives right before our eyes. Teresa and I are looking forward to watching God do His will in our lives and in live around us.

Please remember to ask God to continue to bless us and keep us in His will alone.
Please pray that God will give Bogdon and Paula the will to use the faith they have been given.
Please pray for Troy and his family that they can stay focused on the mission they have before them.
And pray that Prestonwood, First Baptist of Cameron, and Living Word will continue to be pleasing to God in their work in missions.