The additional open space allows for extra room to spread out the suitcases as we prepare to pack for our journey. We have bags to pack that we will need in Rockville, Virginia. Then we have more bags to pack which will not be needed until we arrive in Galati, Romania. Originally we had planned to pack everything in 4 large suitcases for our move to Romania. Randy is the expert packer of the family, so early into the procedure he learned we would need a few more additional suitcases!
God has done a marvelous work in our lives since we returned home from the trip to Romania and Moldova with Living Word Baptist Church in May, 2007. After returning home in May we immediately started the application process with the IMB, was invited for interviews in October and in November received official word that the International Mission Board had approved us as Missionaries to serve in Galati, Romania. We will be back in Romania April 7, 2008, a little less than one year from the start of the application process. We give God all the praise, honor and glory.
Randy and I are so honored that God would place such a call on our lives. We fully understand that we are not capable of the great responsibility God has set before us. However, answering in obedience and willingness to His call, and by the Holy Spirit working through us; we are looking forward to giving our lives to the Lord's service. It is the desire of our hearts to help bring hope to those living without hope. To those who are living in sin and darkness we want to introduce them to Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.
We request your prayers as we face the difficult challenge of leaving behind our family, church family and friends who are so dear to us. Pray that we will allow God to always work in and through us to be about Kingdom Work, that everything we do brings glory and honor to His name. Pray for us as we seek to win the lost to Jesus Christ and then to disciple these new babes in Christ. Just simply put; we need your prayers.
Just Two Sinners Saved By Grace
Randy & Teresa Myers
1 Thessalonians 5:25
Brothers and sisters, pray for us.